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Sample Talk Topics

Reveal the Gift

Reveal the Gift

(Women Only)

The world offers us many different ideas on what it means to be a woman. As we search for answers, our attempts to make sense of it all can lead to frustration and disillusionment. Using Biblical principles, insights from St. Pope John Paul II’s feminine genius, and the heroic example of modern-day saints, Lisa gets to the truth about what it means to be an authentic woman.

*This talk can be given as a stand-alone talk or over a series of up to four talks in a conference or retreat setting.

Dating Detox

Dating Detox

One summer Lisa spent five weeks interviewing dozens of young adults who had moved from the brokenness of the modern dating scene to the freedom of following God’s plans for love, dating, and sex. By the end, one thing was clear – our poisoned dating culture has affected everybody, but detoxing and living authentic love is possible. In this talk, Lisa will reveal how they did it and how you can too.

People are Not Things

People are Not Things

Developing true, authentic friendships and relationships are one of the most difficult aspects of the human experience. Throw in our culture riddled with use and competition and it can seem almost impossible. In this presentation, Lisa will share three mentalities that will help you cultivate and experience a new depth and meaning in your relationships.

God's Got a Plan — But What is it?

God’s Got a Plan — But What is it?

Authentic happiness is found in following God’s plan for our lives — but in a world full of options, how are we supposed to know what God wants? In this presentation, Lisa will guide the audience through the process of discovering God’s Will, followed by examples of how she failed to discern properly in her own dating mishaps.

What do you want me to do for you

What do you want me to do for you?

Before healing the blind man Bartimaeus, Jesus asked him one question: “What do you want me to do for you?” Although the answer was obvious, Jesus desired him to vocalize his need, so with trust, he did. Like Bartimaeus, each of us needs healing in our lives. Yet, unlike Bartimaeus, we can easily be afraid to declare those needs. In this talk, Lisa addresses how to hope like Bartimaeus and cry out to the Divine Physician. (This talk is best given before a time of prayer, such as Eucharistic Adoration.)

Recent Events

  • SEEK Conference
  • Steubenville Youth Conference
  • NCYC
  • Together in Holiness Conference
  • Edith Stein Project Conference (University of Notre Dame)
  • Guadalupe Radio Youth Congress (Los Angeles, CA)
  • Archdiocese of Denver 8th Grade Chastity Day (Denver, CO)
  • Diocese of Richmond College Women’s Retreat (Richmond, VA)
  • Indiana Holy Family Catholic Conference (Kokomo, IN)
  • Topeka Regional Catholic Women’s Conference (Topeka, KS)
  • United States Military Academy (West Point, NY)
  • United States Naval Academy (Annapolis, MD)
  • United State Air Force Academy (Colorado Springs, CO)

And numerous parishes, youth groups, high schools, universities, moms’ groups, theology on taps, conferences, and retreats!

Speaking Inquiry